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Your one-stop shop for holistic virtual care.


Lets fight disease by addressing the root cause with personalized holistic protocols. 

Our Healing Approach

At Rooted Vigor, we believe in a unique approach to healthcare that is different from the traditional model.


Our focus is empowering individuals to control their health and well-being. We do this by providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health.


Unlike traditional healthcare providers, we do not rely on procedures and medications to treat illness and disease. Instead, we believe that nature can heal and that our methods work best when you work.


If you're looking for a healthcare provider to work with you to achieve optimal health and well-being, you're in the right place. We want you to live your best life.

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Here is how we address common conditions like anemia, inflammation, gut and liver dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and more:

Utilize lifestyle modifications to reduce inflammation.

Lifestyle modifications like an anti-inflammatory diet, stress management, and physical activity can reduce inflammation and optimize healing.


Advise on botanicals to support the body's natural healing.

Botanicals can reduce inflammation and support the body's natural healing processes by providing essential nutrients.

Implement nutrient therapies to correct deficiencies.

Nutrient therapies can help correct deficiencies and support the body's healing process by implementing key nutrients into proper processes.

Functionally investigate lab imbalances to optimize health.

We investigate labs, whether normal or abnormal, to determine trends to identify imbalances in hormones, micronutrients, and other biomarkers.


Conditions Supported

We specialize in supporting patients with gut dysfunctions, liver dysfunctions, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation using the best treatments from all branches of medicine. Our providers are Western medicine trained but committed to holistic medicine, which is the best of both worlds!


We aim to help you combat various conditions with natural approaches. Whether you're suffering from chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis or are battling a chronic condition like hypertension, we strive to help you take control and restore your health.

Conditions we commonly support include, but is not limited to:

Our practitioner delivers quality service that speaks for itself.

Let's Get You Started On Your Journey

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