Lemon Balm

Updated: Nov 24, 2019

Scientific name

Melissa officinalis





Also called bee balm and sweet balm

Lemon balm is a perennial, lemon scented herb native to europe, north africa, and asia. It has square stem of 1-2 feet with ovate leaves and white or yellow tinted flowers.

Applicable parts used

Aerial parts


Symbolizes understanding, healing and sympathy


Organs & systems affected

Integument (skin)

Central nervous system

Flower essence

Used to ease the mind and help one wind down

Mechanism of action

Analgesic, antibacterial, antihistaminic, antihormonal, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antithyroid, antiviral, calmative, cardiotonic, carminative, cns depressant, diaphoretic, fungicide, nervine, sedative, stimulant, and stomachic


Sour; cooling

Plant constituents

Volatile oils, labiate tannin, phenolic acids, triterpenes, monoterpene, glycosides, and flavonoids

Traditional uses

Lemon balm has been traditionally used to calm the nerves, reduce fevers, and reduce viral infectivity.

Additional uses include oral use for anxiety, stress, insomnia, restlessness, gastrointestinal problems, high blood sugar, headache, toothache, and painful periods, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (adhd), cramps, sores, high blood pressure and insect bites
as an inhalant, lemon balm is used as aromatherapy for alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Topically, lemon balm is used for cold sores (herpes labialis).


Precaution & adverse reactions

Generally well tolerated with oral use.


Lemon balm may interact with alcohol, antidiabetic drugs, barbituates, cns depressants, and thyroid hormones

Pregnancy and lactation

There is insufficient reliable information available regarding the use of lemon balm during pregnancy.


Herbal infusion: 1-2 tsp per cup, steep 8 minutes, up to 3 cups per day or as needed

Tincture: 1-10 drops, up to 3 times per day

Our favorite pairings

Chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, feverfew, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, red clover, alfalfa leaf and lavender


The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded throughout history. With the information provided on this website, we wish to begin the journey to educate the community based on research, african holistic health, and herbal science. This information, in no shape or form, is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent disease, or make claims against products or companies. This information provided on this site is to make public information and information acquired from research studies easily available to you. Rooted vigor, llc is giving you the opportunity to draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions from the information provided. The information on this website may or may not have been evaluated by the fda. Seek advice from a medical practitioner as necessary.





Pursell, jj. The herbal apothecary: 100 medicinal herbs and how to use them. Timber press. Kindle edition.
