Improve Your Vitamin Intake with Plants

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E are among some of the most popular vitamins, but have you heard of the importance of vitamins H, L P, T and U? These vitamins exist and they are just as beneficial to the body as the others.

The Importance of Vital Minerals

In African holistic health, there is emphasis placed on these unfamiliar vitamins as they are vital in the progression of tissue and cell maintenance. The name “vitamins” is considered such because they are “vital minerals” that the body needs for optimal function. Vitamins are said to energize the body, while minerals stabilize it.

Vitamins are further differentiated into “water soluble” and “oil soluble” vitamins. Water soluble vitamins are easily dissolved and can be eliminated through the urine. Examples of water soluble vitamins are vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and B12. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed by the lymph and stored into the liver and fatty tissues. Examples of fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A,D,E and K. Therefore, there should be careful intake of fat soluble vitamins being that they can reach toxic levels quicker than water soluble vitamins.

When it comes to choosing vitamins, it is most effective to take those that derive from plants. Vitamins that are synthetically derived should be avoided because they are considered overly processed and “dead”. In fact, synthetic vitamins may actually drain the body of it’s nutritional stores because it takes more energy to break down an element that is foreign to the human body. Even if it is a synthetic vitamin or mineral, the body is well capable of recognizing it as unnatural in oppose to a more natural forms of the vitamin derived from a plant food.

African Holistic Guide to Vitamins

To figure out what vitamins are right for you, it is important to understand the possible nutrients that are available in the plants we consume daily. Check out our guide below to find out the importance of each vitamins. Plus we give you insight of the right foods to look for to ensure your vitamin intake.

Additionally, In the guide below, we have listed the beneficial use of each vitamins, the complications of a deficiency of the vitamin, and food and herbs that have substantial amounts of the vitamin. Use this guide to take your mind, body soul health journey to a whole new level.

Guide created by Rooted Vigor Health - Resource: African Holistic Health by Laila Afrika

Take Away

When it comes to vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, you may need more or less than the recommended value of a nutrient depending on your state of health. Also, when used concurrently with other nutrients, herb dosing and recommendations may need to be adjusted on an individual basis. Depending on your body type, metabolism and health status, it is sometimes safe to double the recommended daily value of certain nutrients such as the water soluble vitamins B and C, but for some individuals this may cause an adverse effect.

Keep in mind that general recommended daily values may or may not relate to individuals with similar health and body characteristics as you. The amount of nutrients your body needs primarily relates to your individualized body process. Therefore, it is always best to start low and go slow to understand what works for you and continue to nourish yourself with items that are beneficial to all three aspects of your existence — mind, body and soul.


Afrika, L. (2009). African holistic health. Astoria, N.Y.: Seaburn Publishing Group.